Be Mobile Friendly
So back in April, some scrambled to get their website mobile-friendly. If it wasn’t responsive, it had to be done because Google was going to send out a new algorithm that indicated everyone’s website needed to be mobile-friendly or their search results would take a turn for the worst. Since the deadline date, no one has really seen any change in rankings. Responsive or otherwise. Google may have just been sending out all the hype to get some slow pokes moving. Mobile sites are really not new and you should have had your site responsive by now. This really is a no brainer when it comes to websites. Build responsive. Most people are looking at sites through their mobile devices more than ever. Maybe the reason no one has seen a big jump or shifts from the mobile algorithm, is because everyone who works on and thinks about their website on a regular basis, updated their websites to a responsive site years ago. While there has been a slight increase in mobile-friendly sites (4.7%) it doesn’t make for a huge shift and all the hype.