Web Hosting Solutions




Business Account Hosting $49.99/Month $89.99/Month
Setup Fee (one-time charge) $50.00 $50.00
Mailboxes 5 15
Domains 5 10
Mailbox Storage 250MB ea. High Quota
Monthly Transfers 1000MB ea. 2000MB ea.
Addresses/Aliases Unlimited Unlimited
WebMail Yes Yes
Forwarding Email Accounts Yes Yes
POP3 & IMAP Yes Yes
Site Statistics Yes Yes
PHP 7 Yes Yes
mySQL 8 Yes Yes
Remote Box Polling Yes Yes
Remote Box Poll Interval 30 Minutes 5 Minutes
Auto Responders Yes Yes
Anti-Virus Basic Sophisticated
Trainable Bayesian Classifier Yes Yes
Monthly Billing $49.99/Month $89.99/Month
Annual Billing* $599.88* $1,079.88**
5 Additional Mailboxes $6.00/Month $6.00/Month
Additional Domain $4.00/Month ea. $4.00/Month ea.
5 Minute Box Polls $1.50/Month $1.50/Month
Additional Storage** $4.00/Per 250MB $4.00/Per 250MB
Additional Information Includes SSL Includes SSL
Dedicated IP 33.95/Month 33.95/Month

* Does not include the one-time setup charge of $50.00
** Does not include the one-time setup charge of $75.00

Hosted Exchange Email

Microsoft Exchange is the world’s leading platform for unifying a business’s email, calendar and contacts. More than 470 million mailboxes worldwide leverage Exchange to communicate, collaborate and compete at a Fortune 50 level. 1-Stop Design offers business-grade Exchange email, calendar and contacts. Fully integrated and mobile, it unlocks the power of Outlook to help make your business more competitive and agile. It’s a key component of our Office in the Cloud suite.

Maintenance Programs

We are available to register your domain name for you with your as the registrar. Please contact us for details.

What domain are you interested in? Search below and see if the domain is taken:


Tech Support/Frequently Asked Questions


Because of the extremely dynamic nature of the web, regular site maintenance is a must. 1-Stop can create a maintenance program to meet the specific needs of your site.

Our maintenance programs include:

  • Posting time-sensitive information in a timely fashion
  • Insuring that both internal and external links are intact
  • Updating the site as your business changes or grows
  • Updating company information

Most other updates Site maintenance is usually done on a weekly or monthly basis. Prices for our Website maintenance programs vary. The cost depends on the amount of information being updated and the extent of the changes. Most sites can be maintained for between $200 and $500 per month. Extensive changes are priced on an individual basis.

Hosting of the website is normally included in the price of our maintenance programs.

This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work!

Please upgrade today!