Organize Your Office
A new year means new ways. Organizing is always one of those things that gets put off. However, if you try to take some time everyday to do a little organizing, your whole office can be organized and efficient in no time.
- Set aside 30 min every day for a week to work on organizing. Schedule the time on your calendar and set a reminder on your phone. Make organizing a priority. While you are working set a timer for 30 min. When the time is up, allow yourself to quit. Keeping the tasks time bound will help you stay focused on your office organization.
- Focus on one area of your office each day. One day you might organize your desk, another day you might focus on your files. Some areas might even need two days of work, and that’s okay. Just set your timer and get started.
- Create a trash, recycle, and donate area in your office. There doesn’t need to be a permanent place in your office for this, but for the next week keep those 3 things in mind. Find 3 big boxes and place them near your work space so you don’t even have to get up to purge. As you are going through your day think about what you can get rid of. Toss the items into the appropriate box and move on.
- Be sure you have enough supplies on hand to give everything a place to “live” in your office. File folders, a label maker, and organization supplies are all good to have around during your week of office organization.