Take advantage of the energy of the new year is a perfect start time to engage people in sharing ideas on how to participate in the process of workplace transformation.

Commit to breathing new life into the physical work space. How is the feng shui in the office? Are things cluttered or in a constant state of disarray? Is the workflow awkward? Are desk mates situated to maximize overlapping of work tasks? The space you occupy all day has the biggest impact on health, mood, and workplace productivity, so think of ways to refresh it. Better yet, bring in an organizational expert to help with suggestions.

Create an acknowledgement board. Sharing the workplace love is more than a morale booster; it’s a health booster. Create a decorative common space to feature client accolades, recognition for team members, and gratitude for team successes and efforts. Make it colorful and fun, and allow people to showcase their personalities outside of work-related tasks.

Offer scheduled yoga, meditation, or exercise opportunities during or after work. On busy days, it’s not always easy to slip away and grab some fresh air or a workout. Offering a group time where people can join in as they wish provides motivation and social opportunities for cross-team relationship building, and also makes it easy to add self-care to the workday without thinking too hard about how to do it.
