2nd Annual Give2Girls Campaign with Jolkona
As female business owners, we are fierce and we are powerful. We believe in spreading this empowerment to women and girls around the world. Once again, CRAVE is teaming up with the micro-giving non profit Jolkona for the month of March to celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, and we want you to be a part of it too. Last year, together we raised over $10,000 for women and girls around the world in just a few days and made a huge impact. This year Jolkona has raised an even bigger matching fund for the campaign so EVERY donation to women and girls projects featured on Jolkona.org/give2girls will be matched, dollar for dollar up to $6,050. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Invest in the women of tomorrow by giving to girls today. Projects start at just $10. Be a part of the movement and a part of the solution. This is your opportunity to be a part of something big. Help us celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day with a bang! Why support the Give2Girls Campaign? Experts now agree that helping to empower and educate women is an effective strategy to help fight poverty around the world. Investing in an educated, healthy, skilled, and empowered girl today means she will have the tools to reinvest back into her family, her community, and our world. So what are you waiting for? click here to Give 2 Girls And don’t forget to spread the word on twitter using #Give2Girls! Jolkona is a start-up non-profit organization that allows people to choose how they impact the world through small donations (starting at just $5!), and unlike other micro-giving websites, they provide a tangible proof of impact for every donation received. facebook.com/Jolkona http://thecravecompany.com/blog/2012/03/05/2nd-annual-give2girls-campaign-with-jolkona/