Pay-Per-Click Getting what you pay for...

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Management Service

Are you getting what you pay for from the internet? Namely, qualified leads and sales?

Is your search engine marketing performance delivering the horsepower you need to drive your business in these challenging economic times? Or is it an duct-taped gas guzzler going nowhere, wasting precious resources, everybody’s time and costing a lot of money to run?

When it comes to pay-per-click search engine advertising, the right management can make all the difference between paying dearly for the pitfalls and a campaign that clicks consistently with your ROI objectives.

It all seems so simple. Keyword-targeted, geo-specific advertisements are included in search engine results. People click on them (hopefully qualified prospects) and you pay for each click through from the results list. You might think that any backyard mechanic could handle it.


To successfully manage a profitable pay-per-click campaign that meets your ROI goals and budget requires astute strategizing, implementation, analysis and incessant testing.

All of which delivers a cost-per-click that meets your cost-per-acquisition objective.

The 1-Stop Way: Ten Steps to Take as an “Enlightened” PPC Campaign Manager (we’ll help you every step of the way).

  1. Ask questions to clarify your business model, goals, customers, prospects, marketing strategy, budget, brand and value proposition.
  2. Formulate your PPC Campaign Strategy as an evolving, dynamic plan, that concisely conveys and drills down to all the essential details– keywords, competitor keywords, ads, milestones, contingencies and all deliverables. Research, know and use your marketing prospects’ vocabulary, buzzwords and slang (surprisingly, too many people don’t.)
  3. Develop, monitor and update lists of “negative” keywords to contain costs.
  4. Create compelling titles and descriptions for the ads.
  5. Implement the plan into concerted action: initiate your accounts in the selected PPC engines.
  6. Continually monitor your search term bids, ensuring optimal placement and solid returns. Monitor our concise monthly reports that detail your results and provide actionable advice for continual improvement of your campaigns.
  7. Test different creative, landing pages, and keywords. Fine tune to improve ROI.
  8. Test day-parting and geo-targeting. Fine tune to improve ROI.
  9. Account and report cost-per-visitor and cost-per-conversion for every keyword in your campaign.
  10. As your campaign matures and its performance plateaus, test, analyze and overhaul.

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