SEO Brings Your Business Traffic – Part 3
Sure, by itself, traffic is not going to make you any money. Would you rather set up your storefront on a backstreet in Davenport, Iowa or right in the middle of Times Square? All those people walking around in Times Square day and night by themselves aren’t going to make you any money, but chances are that quite a few of them will eventually become your customers.
Just like Times Square, you still have to make your best effort to sell to your customers once they are on your website, but it’s better to do business on a crowded street corner than it is to set up shop on a deserted island. What’s better is that SEO is usually a good deal more affordable than store leases in Times Square.
More importantly, the people coming to your site are almost all qualified leads – they were searching for businesses like yours when they found you, so they already have a need or interest in your products or services.