Luna (tic) Hennigan

Head of Security

Meet Luna, fondly known as Lunatic, the office security guard. A Black Lab mix with Catahoula, Hound and Terrier (I’m sure more) rescued by Chris at 4 months old after she was found living the street with her sister and a pack of wild dogs…all strays, down in Texas. Her hair was almost completely gone because she had mange so badly. She turned a year in June and is now just a huge dog jumping in your lap. She loves everyone AND barks at everyone, as well as licks them.

Unlike her sister, Luna has flunked any and all doggie training and knows only some voice commands. If you say “sit” she stands on her two back paws and walks around. Awwwww.  Shadowing someone does not ever come close, she is under ever step Chris makes. She could be fast asleep but if Chris moves, she’s ready and following.

Things she loves: Her naps, all people and Ellie food,  including lettuce, veggies, fruit, meat, bread, whatever! She loves paper too, especially fresh mail. Playing with Ellie (which consists of putting Ellie’s face inside her mouth, Mummy (aka Chris), her human sister and brother, and lastly her sister Zoie the cat.
Things she doesn’t like: Squirrels (and all other rodents) she eats them, her other sister Sadie the cat, sleeping in her crate alone, but still not trusted completely to be out at night.

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