Holding a Camera the Right Way
There are certain things that we know how to do right from the start. Well, at least we all think we know how to do it correctly. Some things we know, we take for granted. Holding a camera for instance, we all just pick it up and shoot, thinking we know what we are doing.
How can you hold a camera the wrong way? It is just a basic technique that we should all review. Holding your camera the right way will prevent a lot of errors on your part. The first quick fix this will do is help prevent “the camera shakes” that cause blurs in your pictures. Small compact cameras, if you can believe it, are actually more difficult to hold than larger DSLR units. DSLR cameras have grips which your hands are placed in, most compact cameras don’t. Small compacts don’t often have a viewfinder but a large LCD display which serves as the finder. These can be difficult to hold still and you have to be careful not to cover it. LCD displays force the user to hold the camera far away from the body to see the subject. This definitely causes jitters since there isn’t really a steady way to hold the camera. If you are using a small compact camera, they to place your hands on something to support and steady your hands.
Find the Right Position to hold Your Camera
Your hands shouldn’t be ‘floating’ when holding a camera. Keep your elbows firmly against on your side to provide more stability. If there are any stabilizers in the area, use them. Look around for a tree if you are outside, a table or a chair, just anything to prop the camera on for support. This way, your hands will be more comfortable and less likely to shake and cause a blur. When taking portrait shots, place the camera in your left hand and support it with the right hand. Always check to be sure you are your are not covering the lens and the flash of the camera before clicking.Use your Body as Tripod
Your hands shouldn’t be ‘floating’ when holding a camera. Keep your elbows firmly against on your side to provide more stability. If there are any stabilizers in the area, use them. Look around for a tree if you are outside, a table or a chair, just anything to prop the camera on for support. This way, your hands will be more comfortable and less likely to shake and cause a blur. When taking portrait shots, place the camera in your left hand and support it with the right hand. Always check to be sure you are your are not covering the lens and the flash of the camera before clicking.Use your Body as Tripod
Use your body as a tripod. Keep your wide apart, so they can be more stable in holding your body weight. The steadier your body is, the steadier you will be holding your camera. If you are sitting while taking a photo, prop your elbows on your knees or a table for even more stability.
Use the Viewfinder
Almost every digital camera has a viewfinder and live LCD display. In order to get the best possible pictures you can from your camera, always use the viewfinder. Keeping your camera close to your face will also help support the camera. Always hold the camera with two hands in order to prevent any slipping, the last thing you want to do is drop your camera!
Almost every digital camera has a viewfinder and live LCD display. In order to get the best possible pictures you can from your camera, always use the viewfinder. Keeping your camera close to your face will also help support the camera. Always hold the camera with two hands in order to prevent any slipping, the last thing you want to do is drop your camera!