High Visibility Safety Apparel
If you own a business that your employees could end up in a potentially dangerous situation, you should offer them the best and safest clothing available to keep them safe. When working on construction sites, things can get really active. During these times, employees are most vulnerable to accidents.
Safety gear shouldn’t be something decide on later, it really is a necessity. Reflective safety vests are important to for your employees to wear because they alert others around you to your presence. Your safety gear alone won’t prevent accidents, however if employees follow proper work place procedures it can help. Reflective safety vests do add a layer of clothing that many do not want to wear. In the summer, the temperatures soar and the vest is thought to make you even hotter when working out in the sun. Most reflective safety vests are made from lightweight and breathable material.
Companies are required to comply with government safety standards, and visibility issues are serious when a job places workers around moving equipment so that you can work in the safest environment possible. Evening hours on a site can be especially dangerous because of the reduced visibility at night. From dusk to dawn, using a reflective safety vests is important for those operating heavy equipment or driving through the site. You aren’t easily seen without the bright material being reflected in the lights of vehicles and equipment. With reflective gear, you will stand out much better. Additional precautions should be made to direct traffic safely around the site. However, your personal gear assures that you are more visible to those in the area.
Job safety is extremely important and 1-Stop Design Shop is here to make it easy for you to order your reflective safety vests, hats or jackets. Contact us at 781-938-3866 to schedule a time to come in an see our line of safety gear available for your business.