Do you think you have what search engines are looking for? Do you have the most relevant and important information pertaining to your website.

What Search Engines Are Looking For:

Search engines do their jobs by referring users to websites and content that is the most relevant to what the user is looking for. RelevancyWorld Map is determined by the following:

  • Content is the most important.  This is determined by the theme that your website had, the text on the page, and the titles and descriptions that are given.
  • Performance: How fast is your site and does it work properly?
  • Authority: Does your site have good enough content to link to? Do other authoritative sites use your website as a reference or use the information on your site?
  • User Experience: How does your website look? Do you have a high bounce rate?  Is the site easy to navigate around? Does it look safe?
What Search Engines Are NOT Looking For:

Search engines only have a certain amount of data storage, so stay honest and don’t try to work the system.  You will probably end up hurting yourself in the long run. Search engines are not looking for:

  • Keyword Overload: Do not overuse keywords on your pages.
  • Purchased Links: Don’t bother, buying links will do nothing for you in terms of SEO.
  • User Experience: You want your website to be easy for the user to get around. Make   things easy to find, simple as that.

The easier your website is to navigate, the longer the users will stay on your site.  Which in turn, will reduce your bounce rate.
