Office Productivity Tip
Try to sit near a grassy window or add a plant to your desk. Studies show that glancing at something green for 40 seconds will improve your focus throughout the day.
Continue ReadingWhy Your Website Should Be Responsive
The demand for having a responsive site is increasing at a rapid rate. It may be the deciding factors for some potential clients.
Continue ReadingSpell It Out
Do you watch your Facebook videos without sound? You are not alone. 85% of Facebook videos are viewed without sound. Add subtitles, text overlays, and imagery to ensure your message gets across when using video marketing.
Continue ReadingWhat Are Your Business’s Goals
New Years is a great time to set some goals for the upcoming year. Looking back at what you have accomplished throughout the past year can help you get a perspective on what you are capable of, or give you an idea on what you need to work on harder. Maybe you have had a successful blog that has gained ...
Continue ReadingUnplug and Enjoy
We live in a world that constantly revolves around looking at a screen. Technology is great and we all need it, but sometimes we just need to unplug. Take some time out of the day and dedicate it to unplug from social media and email to mentally refresh yourself and live your life away from a screen. Try reading a ...
Continue ReadingHow To Deal With Bad Reviews On Social Media
How would you handle it if an angry customer who posts negatively about your business on your social media page? Would you delete it or give an aggressive response? Here are a few tips on how to respond to these comments and still make your business look good. Deleting a rude comment could end up causing a much bigger problem ...
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